Fraud warning
The Australian Crime Commission Board has recently warned that organised criminal groups are targeting the savings of Australians through investment frauds. Many Australians, including experienced investors who undertake research, have lost their entire retirement savings to these investment frauds.
Law enforcement advises that the criminals offering these investment opportunities use persuasive cold-calling tactics, sophisticated websites and legitimate-looking brochures.
Australia Post is partnering with the Australian Crime Commission, the Australian Securities & Investments Commission and every state and territory police force in the country to further raise awareness of these investment frauds and provide information on how to prevent becoming a victim. Please be aware of this risk if you are called at random by someone offering an unsolicited investment opportunity. To protect yourself you can:
Visit or call 1300 300 630 for further information or advice.
Alert your family and friends to these investment frauds, especially those who may have savings to invest.
Report suspected investment frauds to the Australian Securities & Investments Commission, via or 1300 300 630, or your local police. Any information that can be provided such as company name, location and contact details will assist with subsequent investigations and enquiries.
Hang up on unsolicited telephone calls offering investments.
Check any company you are discussing investments with has a valid Australian Financial Services Licence at
Seek independent financial advice before making an investment.
Protect your mail by installing the right sized letterbox for the volume of mail you receive and also by fitting a lock to your letterbox to deter would-be thieves. It’s also a good idea to arrange for someone to clear your mail for you when you go on holidays or take advantage of Australia Post’s Mail Holding Service.