The Wheel of Life
The Wheel of Life has been used throughout time for measuring the quality of our lives. Look at the example below and imagine that each piece of the pie represented an area of your own life. Imagine that each line is a spoke in a wheel, with the centre of the wheel representing 0% satisfaction and fulfilment in that area of your life and the outside represents 100% satisfaction and fulfilment with that area of your life.
If this were your Wheel of Life where would you currently be in each area of your life?
Take a few moments to draw a line in each piece of the pie representing where you believe you currently are in that area of your life. When you’ve finished, shade in the areas to get a true sense of the depths of each section and a sense of where to focus your energy.
Here are some suggested headings for each segment, feel free to use these or create your own to represent what is important to you in your life.
- Physical environment
- Business/Career
- Money
- Health
- Family
- Relationships
- Personal growth
- Fun time
If this were a wheel on a car called LIFE, how well would your car run?
How would it run if you were travelling at 25 kilometres per hour? How would it run if you were travelling at 100 kilometres per hour? What if you wanted to be a high achiever? Would the gaps cause you to stay on the road or would you be heading for the ditch?
If you’re like most people, you’re probably experiencing a certain level of discomfort with the quality of your ride! What about if you could find a way to round off your Wheel of Life so that you experienced balance across the areas that matter most to you? Imagine putting your energy, focus and time into the areas that matter most to you…what would that feel like? How would your life look? What would be different?
If there is any part of your current financial situation that you would like to improve, please feel free to con tact our office for a confidential chat.